MAJ 28/04- 8 outstanding initiatives to help the community amid COVID-19 crisis

Published in
5 min readApr 3, 2020


🔃 Updated on April 28–11 AM

In this tumultuous time where many lives are at risk and companies under a great deal of stress, we’ve seen beautiful actions blossoming across our portfolio, in the spirit of bringing value as well as solidarity to the community.

1- Coorpacademy

Coorpacademy has partnered up with AP-HP, Assistance Publique — Hôpitaux de Paris and Université Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC) to provide online training for the hospital’s staff so they can ensure care for COVID-19 patients that are on life support. More than 20 000 professionals have been following this training already and additional content is yet to come in the next hours and days!

More information on their Linkedin.

Interview with the founder available here.

2- Lifen

Lifen, which is specialized in secure medical data sharing, has developed an open-source solution so that hospitals can send home patients with a less serious Covid-19 condition and ensure a remote follow-up.

The goal is to reduce contact with health professionals as well as contamination risk. The service also allows to “slow down the disorganization of the health system caused by the pandemic, and liberates hospital beds, particularly in the intensive care units.”

More information on their Linkedin.

3- Brigad

Brigad ⚡, a platform that assigns missions to independent professionals in the hospitality industry, is joining the wave of solidarity initiated by the government to face the current crisis and support industries that are crucial to the functioning of the country. That’s why they have opened up their activity to the mass distribution industry and food production.

Following the government’s appeal for help to support the french agricultural sector, they are rendering their platform available to farmers that need motivated staff to work by their sides in the upcoming weeks. In other words, farmers can now communicate on the missions they need and access 10 000 qualified independent professionals.

More information on their Linkedin.

4- Malt

The freelance platform has created an informative mini-website updated regularly to provide practical information to freelancers. They also launched the Malt Academy program for the whole community to tackle isolation and make the most of it through training #lockdowndontshutdown. Finally, they are spreading the hashtag #ReadytoHelp to allow people to help the health sector through concrete actions.

Vincent Huguet (Malt CEO and co-founder) noted that “More than 1000 freelancers have made themselves available, and we have started to work with organizations such as the Red Cross on projects for which they needed design, data, development (…) experts.

More information on Linkedin.

5- Uptime

Uptime has been working on a toolset that allows the “Syndic” (Homeowner Associations) to hold their meetings remotely in the best conditions for their general assembly (Visio, electronic signature, reports..). Other great initiatives are coming: containment barometer through the analysis of connected elevators, pool of suppliers that are still delivering service…

More information on Linkedin.

6- Allo-Media

To support their partners through the pandemic and allow them to keep their activity going in their contact centers, Allo-Media (an IA specialized in customer experience) is offering them a Callbot comprehensive turnkey solution thanks to which their partners’ customers will be able to keep contacting them over the phone. The service is made of a redirection number to which calls flows will be redirected to handle the volume of phone calls that can’t be managed as it should be by a limited team.
A “VoiceBot” has also been made available so that customers of Allo-Media’s partner can explain naturally the object of the call, have their data collected and formalized in a structured email.

🆕 On April 27th, AlloMedia joined health, IA, and conversational technologies experts to launch a national phone number, AlloCovid, that helps people know if they might be infected with COVID-19. Users that call the number are prompted to answer questions asked by a “smart” virtual assistant that will offer information and preliminary medical diagnosis as well as advice based on the answers given. Plus, all the data collected (anonymously) are then passed on to health authorities in order to ensure a follow-up in real-time of the pandemic in France. More information here!

7- Inato

Inato, the clinical research company, has joined the fight against COVID-19 by building a website gathering available data related to clinical studies. The teams have already implemented functionalities, including a search tool, as well as figures presenting the main current topics (including studies on chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine). The aim is to help clinicians better understand what is going on and better design their own trials.

More information on Linkedin.

🆕 8- Implicity

Providing appropriate care to patients with implanted cardiac devices (pacemakers and defibrillators) while limiting exposure to COVID-19 has been a key concern for Implicity in the context of the pandemic.

As a reminder, Implicity telemedicine platform ensures remote follow-up of cardiac devices across all manufacturers via a universal interface. This innovative SaaS platform, designed by an electrophysiologist to serve the purpose of electrophysiologists, is the turnkey solution to monitor vulnerable patients efficiently.

In order to support the collective effort and help medical staff provide state-of-the-art remote patient care, Implicity now offers a free of charge implementation and platform usage during the pandemic crisis. “The Implicity team is 100% focused on supporting the healthcare providers every day in order to ensure appropriate follow-up to patients during the lockdown”, says Dr Arnaud Rosier, CEO, and founder of Implicity.
This initiative prompted the Ministry for Solidarity and Health to support Implicity remote monitoring platform and to list it as one of the telehealth solutions to use during the Covid-19 crisis.

There are undoubtedly many other great initiatives that have been launched by companies, including in our portfolio. Please reach out at if you’re one of them!

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About Serena

Founded in 2008 by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs, Serena invests in bold ventures and provides them with an unrivaled level of expertise and operational support.

In just ten years, the firm has already contributed to the emergence of many success stories and has currently 40 handpicked startups in its portfolio such as Dataiku, Evaneos, Malt, iBanFirst, CybelAngel, or Lifen.

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